Join the Network and Become a Host Partner
Simply put becoming a Host Partner is participating in a Screen Sharing Program with other non-competitive locations in your area. We all share the same customers so why not work together. Some customers in other locations may be unique and not part of your customer base which is increasing your reach outside of your normal area of business. You get a chance to constantly inform your own customers at your own location as well as outside your location. Imagine your name, your brand, your message played thousands of times at a minimum of 10 other locations as well as inside messaging informing your customers of new products, services or other exciting information.
Here’s what you get when you Join the Network
One Full Screen 30-second ad for your own screen. These are designed to upsell customers already in your location.
Five 10 second vertical ads for your own screen. These are high-frequency ads with no motion. They’re easy to read and re-inforce upsell messages from the 30-second ad.
One 20-second designed for placement on outside boards. This targeted for consumers who have no idea you exist. We also schedule this ad on your host board.
We will provide all these ads for you to use on Social Media or your website.
You can change the messages (which we recommend) every couple of months. We strongly recommend a 60- to 90-day advance promotion of events or offers.
Inside Ad Sample:
Our Locations