About Suncoast Advertising Network

Rich LiberoSuncoast Advertising Network was founded by Rich Libero in 2019.

Rich’s career spans over 30 years as a sportswriter, broadcaster, NHL executive, broadcast and digital leader.

During his time in the newspaper business Rich learned one thing: When the sales teams failed to drive revemue, reporters and editors in the newsroom lost their jobs.

When Rich took on the role as Editorial Director of FoxSports.com he vowed that his team would work with marketing and sales to drive revenue and sustain the business.


Quick accomplishments:

  • 7 years as a print journalist covering every sport under the sun for Gannett.
  • Prodigy Online consultant in fantasy games.
  • Led FoxSports.com from 1996-98.
  • Built the team and infrastructure to transform NHL.com into the world’s largest hockey portal.
  • Built the team and infrastructure for Comcast SportsNet’s (now NBC Sports Regional Networks) digital properties. Was the first to stream live NBA games in-market.
  • Former MLS broadcaster with 1998 New York MetroStars
  • Creator and Executive Producer of forthcoming TV show Food Scouts.

How was Suncoast Ad Network formed?

Ironically Rich learned about a company called N-Compass, that offered indoor billboard technology. The company started as a network of indoor billboards in Pinellas County, FL.

From there, Rich branched out into a variety of digital marketing tools because he felt that billboards were just one tactical tool in the marketing arsenal.

It’s About Honesty

We’re a small business. We know how dollars are precious and integrity with business partners is everything.

It pains us to see webhosting/website construction companies holding clients hostage. We’ve rescued a few companies from clutches of hostage-taking website operators.

We live here. We’re member of the Treasure Island-Madeira Beach Chamber, the Seminole Chamber and BNI Go Givers in Largo.

Don’t believe me?

Call today, get a free consult. Shake hands. Look into someone’s eyes. Get a sense of their honesty.

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